The Brewery, London | Saturday 27th September 2025
Please contact if you have any further questions.
There is the opportunity to sponsor the awards. For more information please contact:
Tom Curtis
Tel: +44 (0)20 7501 6729
Claudia Johnson
Tel +44 (0)203 874 9223
For more information please visit our sponsorship page here: Click here
How to Enter
Entries open on the 10th February 2025. Click here to submit your entry
The entry deadline is Friday 2nd May 2025.
Any organisations or individuals who meet our category criteria can enter the awards.
Our awards are open to nurseries based in the UK and Ireland.
All of our categories are free to enter except for the Professional Book of the Year category. This category costs £99 to enter.
Projects previously entered into the Nursery World Awards may be submitted for this year's awards, provided it can be evidenced that further improvements to performance have been achieved since the last submission.
Once the entry deadline has passed, in most cases we will not be able to accept late entries, unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Extenuating circumstances
These circumstances may occur if:
- You are very close to submitting your entry and you need a bit of extra time.
We will be able to judge if this applies if we can see that almost all of your entry has been filled out on our system. If this is the case, we will agree on the revised individual submission date, but in every case it will not be too long after the original submission date. If the revised submission date passes and we do not receive your entry, we will not be able to provide further support.
If you are only just starting your entry when the deadline passes, we will not be able to accept your late submission.
- You have a completed entry, but you have forgotten to complete the remaining steps to submit your application.
If your entry is completed but it is still in your basket or saved items on our system, these entries will not be officially submitted. You will not be able to submit an entry yourself on our system once the official deadline has passed. We will be able to support you if you alert us soon after the deadline has passed that your application has not been officially submitted. This must be sorted as soon as possible after the deadline has passed.
In both of these extenuating circumstances cases, please reach out to us on and we will assist each entry on a case by case basis.
An admin fee of £50 will be charged for any entry which is submitted past the entry deadline.
Once submitted, it is not possible to cancel your entry from your profile. If you wish to no longer be put forward for one of our categories, or if your circumstances have changed (e.g. change of jobs), please email as we will be able to un-submit your entry for you.
You may submit multiple entries in all our categories. However, please only submit one entry to represent one individual/team/organisation in a single category. Multiple entries to represent one individual/team/organisation will not affect the outcome of the results.
Supporting material should be uploaded along with your entry. The material provided should support what is already outlined within your entry. It should not speak on any new information related to your entry.
It is essential for at least one photo to be uploaded that represents your entry, whether that is an individual, a team, a project or a company. Uploading a company logo is acceptable if you are happy for this file to represent your entry in the awards presentation and all related awards materials if you are shortlisted.
- Photos must be uploaded as a high-resolution JPEG or PNG file.
- A resolution of at least 1MB is best.
- If you are uploading your files from a phone, please ensure that the photo is sent as ‘actual size’.
Please Do Not:
- Attach ZIP files in the file upload fields.
- Upload photos taken from websites that are not the original size.
- Exceed the limit of 40MB within each file upload field.
For all our categories, besides the Professional Book of the Year category, you do not need to supply any physical evidence to support your submission. All your evidence can be uploaded to your entry on our online portal.
This category has an earlier entry deadline than all our other categories. This deadline is ---.
After submitting your entry on our online platform, our team will email you to inform you of the details as to how you can send your book copies to us. We will require two copies of each book that you are entering for the awards.
Please note that all book copies sent to us will not be returned once judging has been completed.
We do require that each book is entered in its own submission and payment of £99 + VAT is made per book.
If you are writing your entry on a separate Word document to paste them into our online entry portal, please note the following:
MS Word and similar programs count words differently to the way that the World Wide Web counts them. For example, Word ignores bullet points but as far as the WWW is concerned, they are words (one or more characters with a space either side). Therefore the MS Word word count cannot be relied on to accurately tell how many words you have written when it has been copied into our online entry portal. If you are experiencing issues with copying your text over, please delete any Word formatting, (e.g. bullet points) to see if that will resolve the issue. Otherwise, please feel free to contact our team for support.
If you are having any issues with using our online entry portal, please contact and we will be happy to assist.
A panel of experts and professionals from across the Nursery sector will judge the entries. This panel will represent the diversity of agencies and disciplines that make up the sector. The judges will have the knowledge and experience to assess each individual/team/nursery organisation. Judges who have a connection with any entry will not be allowed to vote on that entry or influence the other judges' decision process.
The aim of the Nursery World Awards is to recognise excellence, innovation and impact. The judges will be looking for examples of excellent projects, services, teams, and individuals. For the best chance of submitting a successful entry, it is best to be concise, clear and to the point in each answer to the entry questions.
The judges are mainly looking at your written answers to formulate their decisions. It is crucial to write all the relevant necessary information for them to be aware of within your submission. This is so that our judges have a full picture of the individual/team/organisation that is being put forward for one of our awards.
Once you have submitted your entries they will be processed by the awards team, ready for judging. Judging takes place in late June and the shortlist will be announced shortly after.
The full shortlist will be published on this website in June.
The Ceremony
The awards ceremony will take place on Saturday 27th September 2025 at The Brewery, London.
You may purchase individual seats and tables for the awards ceremony on our website after the shortlist has been announced. Please note that invoicing is not available as a payment option.
Complimentary seats are not offered to our finalists. All tickets will need to be purchased via our website.
The room will be filled from the front with VIP's and sponsors. These guests will take the front rows, followed by the premium tables and then the standard tables.
Please note that any guests who purchase fewer than 10 seats will be placed with other groups to make up tables of 10 guests.
Please click here to read our terms and conditions.